Description The Wheel of Life Thangka art painting portrays the Wheel of Life, which is considered an endless cycle of human existence. It is believed to have been first drawn by the Buddha himself. As seen in the picture, a demon, usually identified as Yama, the god of death, carries the entire wheel. The wheel is divided into three parts. For the highest quality Wheel of Life Thangka paintings, shop with us!
For best negotiation and deal done please email us. Email: | Whatsapp: 977 9860937940
: Wheel of Life Thangka
: WOL22222
: 50 X 100 Cm approximately
: 700 - 1000 Grame approximately
: Thanka Art
: Qty base
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Nunc quis justo. Sed vel ipsum in purus tincidunt pharetra.